Sophia in Seattle, WA

Update 9-15-24: We’ve received several promising applications for this pup so aren’t taking more for now.

Meet Sophia, a 3-year-old Ruby Cavalier with a heart full of love and a tail that never stops wagging! Weighing in at 15 pounds, Sophia is a little bundle of joy who has a natural knack for bringing smiles wherever she goes. In true Cavalier fashion, she loves to meet new people and walks often include many stops to be admired by new friends. Sophia came into rescue because although her previous family clearly loved her, their busy schedules and life changes meant that Sophia wasn’t getting the attention she craved and needed. 

Sophia has adapted well to her foster home in downtown Seattle and has already mastered the art of sitting politely in the elevator, showing off her quick learning skills and eagerness to please (for a treat!). Sophia would flourish in a home that’s excited to continue her training and help her reach her full potential. She gets along very well with her Cavalier foster brother and would do well with a similar sized dog with a calm temperament.

Since coming into rescue, Sophia has had treatment for a corneal ulcer, UTI, and stubborn skin infection. We believe that she has allergies, and while she has responded well to switching to Honest Kitchen fish formula food and regular medicated baths, her forever family will need to continue working to ensure that she is healthy and comfortable.

Sophia is incredibly fast and loves to play with her foster brother, zooming wild circles in the grass. She enthusiastically plays with toys, and on her first day downtown chewed the squeaker out of a little stuffed pig. She just as enthusiastically takes naps, contentedly sleeping under her foster mom’s desk while she works or flopping nearby in a puddle of sunshine.

While Sophia enjoys the companionship of her foster brother, a big mellow Cavalier, she is a typical Velcro Cavalier and always wants to be by your side; she is a true people-lover and thrives on human companionship. She would do best in a household with minimal alone time.

Sophia has a tremendous zest for life; so much so that sometimes she leaks a little when she gets really excited. While in her foster home, this has been successfully managed by training her foster family to be particularly calm with greetings in the morning and when her foster dad comes home from work in the afternoon.

Whether it’s snuggling up on the couch or enjoying a fun training session, Sophia is ready to be your loyal companion. If you think Sophia could be a good match for you, complete our application (if you haven’t previously) and then email Melissa Cincotta at to express your interest. 

Online Application

  • Color: Ruby
  • Age: 3 Years
  • Weight: 15 lbs
  • Sex: Female
  • Health: Healthy
  • Temperament: Loving, playful, happy
  • Recommendations: Minimal alone time, daily walks, a canine companion
  • Location: Seattle, WA
  • Region: Western
  • Special Needs: No
  • Status: SPOTLIGHT