Zoey & Zach in Spanish Springs, NV
Zach & Zoey are 5-years-old, born 10/24/19, and are bonded, loving, Blenheim Cavalier littermates. They came to Cavalier Rescue USA after their owner passed away.
Both dogs have a loving, classic Cavalier temperament. They love soft, fluffy, and warm spots to curl up to sleep and especially love a good lap to sleep in. This duo is eager to please and very low-energy. They would be best for a family who has some one home most of the time or has a very predictable schedule.
Zoey is more laid back than Zach and is also more family-oriented. She is very much an entire family dog and is very friendly from the first meeting. She is adaptable to all ages, from 3 years old up to adults.
She likes to follow around the family when she is not sleeping on the couch. From first the first meeting, Zoey will let you know how happy she is to be around you. She follows people around like glue.
Zach is a also very friendly but is slightly more timid with new people. He follows Zoey around and is never far from her unless he is sleeping on the couch or in an open, dark kennel. He adapts well to all family ages but tends to prefer gentler, older children and adults.
Once Zach has warmed up to his environment, he is a little more agile than his sister. He will chase after a toy thrown in the backyard, but doesn’t like to bring it back. He also can get up on the couch easily, unlike Zoey, who struggles a little more. Zach loves car rides and likes to tell his foster mom about it in the car. Otherwise he is very quiet like his sister.
This duo is generally house-trained and always goes outside when offered but has had a few pee accidents since being in foster care, likely due to stress and difficulty learning new family routines. Because of this, it would be best to have a new family who has a predictable schedule or has someone who is home most of the time. Otherwise, they do well when alone both free-roaming and kenneled.
Both dogs could lose some weight. Zach is 28 lbs, and Zoey is 32 lbs. Their target weight is approximately 25lbs. They have are both up-to-date on their vaccines and have a good bill of health. Both are fixed as well.
As bonded as pairs come, they are adoptable as a team only. If you are interested in adopting this Cavalier duo, please complete our online application if you haven’t already and then email Judy Fitzpatrick at rjfitz@sbcglobal.net so she knows of your interest.

- Color: Blenheim
- Age: 5 Years
- Sex: Male & Female (Pair)
- House Training: Training: yes, occasional pee accidents when alone
- Health: Excellent, need to lose weight
- Temperament: Zoey: mellow, calm, family-oriented, friendly, patient, eager to please Zach: mellow, calm, prefers gentle caregivers, adaptable, enjoys play outside
- Recommendations: Someone home most of the time, older children/adults ideal
- Location: Spanish Springs, NV
- Region: Western
- Special Needs: No