Cali-Double knee surgery needed!

Update 8-31-24: Cali has had the surgery she needs and is recovering well and doing great. She had her stitches removed, and the vet said her incisions looked good and are healing properly. They will see her back in October for her 8-week x-rays and check-up. At her foster home, Cali is walking a little without assistance – though foster parents watch her closely, so she does not overexert herself. Foster mom Sierra says: ‘She’s the best! We love having her! Our heartfelt appreciation to those of you who donated to this precious pup’s care!

Sweet little Black & Tan girl Cali is a petite and endearing Cavalier that weighs 11 lbs. She was rescued from a puppy mill situation and is on the shy, scared end with new people, but a sweetie once she gets to know you.

She is  6 years old and lived her life in poor conditions, so we are thankful she came to rescue. Once recovered from surgery, she can go on to live a happy life with people who love her. This will be a much treasured and deserved new beginning.

Cali has terrible knees, and needs surgery on both so she can walk and run and play normally. Without help, she will only get worse. Surgery will correct this, and it will be about a 3-month recovery with no stairs, jumping, or running. Without surgery, she will have crippling pain and long term, arthritis will set in.

Please help this precious Cavalier to get the surgery she needs. See below to donate. We are grateful for any help you can give.

If you prefer to send a check to help this pup, our address is: Cavalier Rescue USA, 6400 N Paseo Tamayo, Tucson, AZ 85750




