Meet Milo, a 9-year-old sweet and sassy Blenheim boy. Born 8/16/15, this energetic little guy may only weigh 15 lbs. but he has a big personality, hence one of his nicknames, Mighty Mousy Milo. This endearingly quirky yet cheerful pup came into rescue when his family could not manage his health needs long term.
Like so many Cavaliers, Milo’s favorite time of the day is mealtime and he does the cutest little twirl as he barks with excitement until his food is placed before him. Even though Milo knows commands such sit and down, they don’t always work to curb his enthusiasm.
Milo shares his foster home with two Cavalier foster brothers who have helped him adjust to new routines and schedules. They all get along well, sunbathing together in the yard or exploring the neighborhood on frequent walks. Milo has even become their vocal back-up singer, joining the barking brigade when there are loud noises, the mailman stops by, or just when he wants to let everyone to know his thoughts.
Milo is fully potty trained and alerts you when he needs to go out.
While in rescue, Milo has been to a specialist for his skin allergies which have greatly improved due to the diligence of his foster family. Medicated baths, daily medications for his skin and ears, along with a strict diet have all helped him feel better. Milo saw a cardiologist and started on daily Vetmedin for a Grade 3 heart murmur. Additionally, eye drops for Dry Eye are part of his daily routine. Milo is a perfect gentleman, sitting still when medications are administered. A six-month follow up cardio exam and as needed dermatology visits are necessary to ensure that Milo’s health continues on a positive path. Milo has limited peripheral vision so sudden movements cause him to at times be tentative in unfamiliar surroundings or when meeting new dogs. Milo is up to date on vaccinations and also had a dental while in our care.
Milo thoroughly enjoys car rides, especially if it means meeting new people and exploring in the park. He is an avid walker, has great mobility and is an excellent errand buddy. At home Milo loves to snuggle on the couch, resting on his person’s lap or just pressed against them. He sleeps soundly at night, reminding you he is there with gentle melodic snores.
In spite of all his medical tribulations, Milo remains cheerful and content. His resilience and tenacity are an inspiration and he is so deserving of a loving home in which to spend his golden years! Milo is eager to find a family with low alone hours and where he will become the center of someone’s world, showering him with their undivided attention. A home with a retired human or someone that works from home would be ideal. He will repay you tenfold as a loyal companion.
If you have room in your heart to welcome this very sweet, loving boy into your world, then please complete an online application if you haven’t done so already. Then email Nanci at to let her know to consider you as Milo’s new family.